This assessment is to help determine whether and to what extent the ICO guidelines should be applid to a specific tool/service, as well as identify risks to the sphere of rights and fredoms of the child and select appropriate measures that will rduce these risks of violation of rights. In a situation where a tool or service is designd for children or it is known that children will be its recipients computer games, social mdia), the UK supervisory authority recommends prior consultation with children.
Established on a basis other than an employment
Parents and children’s rights specialists to ensure that take into account in the assessment not only the business perspective, but also database the perception of interestd parties. The ICO also lists the risks that you should pay special attention to: decrease in the child’s well-being, lack of acceptance sexual harassment depression, fear of social interactions incorrect health habits. bad eating habits or bad behavior sleep disorders undermining the authority of parents and their.
Also apply to employment relationships
Responsibilities excessive exposure to advertising and economic exploitation The help in meeting this standard is to be providd by the ES Phone Number assessment sheet of whether the designd tool/service is coverd by these guidelines ( Annex A: Services coverd by the code flowchart – available in English here ) and the personal data protection impact assessment form ( Annex D: DPIA template – available in English here ). Standard No. 3 – Age-appropriate When we talk about children, we usually mean minors. However, this category includes both small children and teenagers on the verge of adulthood.