Discover their passion or decide to change course a little later

The segment is recognized for welcoming members of different ages and work backgrounds, valuing technical skills and practical knowledge. The transition to this profession can be accomplished in several ways, as explained by the founder of the Dev Club. However, Mori highlights five key steps to succeed in this exchange: Self-Assessment and Research : Initially, it is crucial to do a personal assessment to understand your motivations, skills and interests. “Conduct research on the industry, trends, the most popular programming languages ​​and market demands”. Education and training : acquire the necessary knowledge and skills . There are several options for classes, bootcamps and graduations. Choose a learning approach that suits your profile and time availability. Practice and personal projects : Create small projects, participate in communities and build a portfolio demonstrating your capabilities to potential hires.

With that in mind RoutEasy’s Human Resources manager

Networking and Mentoring : Build relationships through events, conferences, online forums and social media. Seek mentors to guide you and offervaluable insights . Opportunity Search : Search for internships, freelancers or jobs. Send resumes, participate in selection processes and prepare to Mexico Phone Number Data face challenges. Stand out and grab the attention of the market According to data from the Association of Information and Communication Technology and Digital Technologies Companies – Brasscom, by 2024, Brazil will demand approximately 420,000 professionals in Information Technology. , Vanessa Carlim, shares tips for those who want to stand out in this sphere. For her, those interested must be constantly updated.

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When addressing suggestions

Having proficiency in multiple programming languages ​​is essential for growth, as is understanding information security principles and having knowledge in Artificial Intelligence (AI). “In addition, it is essential to develop critical and analytical thinking, effective communication ES Phone Number teamwork. Having more in-depth knowledge in specific topics is also essential, such as data analysis, digital marketing and cybersecurity”. for those who are starting a career, Vanessa highlights the importance of dedicating themselves to studies and acquiring new skills. “To achieve success, it is crucial to make constant and intensive efforts. Building a solid portfolio can be a way of showing your skills and projects. In addition, it is extremely crucial to establish a network of contacts”, she emphasizes. Therefore, this is already a reality and, in the coming years, countless opportunities.


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