Emotional Marketing and Storytelling Videos – March

Therefore, Emotional Marketing and Storytelling Videos – March. It’s been a month already. Oh my god!! A month since I left you the last article about my new Patreon channel and my recovered YouTube channel. Channel where I upload all. Therefore, the Marketing pills that I publish on Instagram. I’m still excited, honestly. Thinking and remembering how much I was reflecting on the Emotional Marketing and Storytelling pills on Instagram and that I finally returned to. Truth be told, it has been useful to me for many things.

What has recording videos for Instagram and YouTube brought me

Therefore, It has helped me to recycle myself in terms of content. To document myself more. And that means reading a lot more. With or without time, I cannot create uncertain content, data that is not real or obsolete information. Therefore, It has been GREAT for me to discipline myself . Those who know me top people data well know very well that I am hyperactive . And with the “hyperactive” thing, most experts who know ADHD tell. Therefore, me that I have all the symptoms, even though I have never been diagnosed. I have also realized how much I like, even more, creating content. Especially when it comes to creating them for others. I have learned that stress is not an excuse. You have to learn to prioritize . Both professional and personal life. Although they go hand in hand. 

Infinite THANKS to my Patreon Community

Since last month, I have dedicated two weekends a month to recording videos. As I already mentioned in the previous post. The one minute one for my Instagram profile, and the extended ones for my Patreon Community. As I told you in another article , I explained in great detail this small project email leads of training, self-discipline, content, learning and a thousand other things that are worth it, the extended versions of between 30 minutes.In addition to the private WhatsApp group to discuss topics of Emotional Marketing, Storytelling, other disciplines of Marketing, Communication and Advertising exclusively .

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