How removing options can increase your conversion

Think about how simplifying the options on a page can exponentially improve your conversion rate. Please give me a coffee. Decaffeinated? No. With milk? Yeah. Natural or Condensed? Natural. Cold or hot? Tempered. In a glass or in a cup? In a cup, please. Do you want sugar or saccharin? Damn, I prefer orange juice. Freshly squeezed? Yeah. In a tall or medium glass? High. With sugar, saccharine or natural? A bit of sugar. Navelates or Clemenules Oranges? I shit on his father! The current one or the biological one?…

Pufff, don't make me think

One of the best books I have read in recent years has been Don’t Make me Think, by Steve Krugs . Without a doubt a classic on Web Usability and User Experience. In his teachings, Krugs defines usability as the possibility that a user with low or medium knowledge can perform the actions for which the website has been designed without ending up frustrated . Something that, however, happens often. You imagine? You there, you can’t fit in with the anxiety category email list of not receiving sales while a lot of people are queuing at the door of psychologists to help them overcome the frustration of not being able to buy your product. I don’t know why but this reminds me of the recording industry. (Tapachun!)

Reducing options, not forms

Reducing options, not forms Forms are undoubtedly one of the hottest points in terms of usability since ES Phone Number their function is, precisely, to complete the action. Whether it is a purchase, a registration, a contact, etc.; There is a form in between . This can contain a single button or hundreds of fields with questions. There are many articles that talk about them and their optimization. To give you an example, this infographic from the Unbounce blog about How to Optimize Contact Forms (in English) makes some important principles clear:

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