It is essential to become aware of the role as miators of the learning that we have before them. This involves accompanying them through timely feback, motivating them, showing them aspects of themselves that they do not know but that we can see, looking for challenges that awaken their interest and focus their attention. It is very important to measure the level of difficulty of the propos tasks because we already know that if the task is very difficult they could feel frustrat. It is also important to consider that talents can remain hidden when the emotional factor is not manag well.
Versatility of Certain
When a student “fails,” it is generally not due to a lack of cognitive skills but rather personal strengths , which is why it is necessary to promote a positive environment in which interpersonal relationships are car for. That is our challenge, the one that also allows us to experience flow in our lives.At the Joliot-Curie laboratories in Paris, an unknown young Argentinian was doing his internship in the field of particle physics. It was 1937, and Bernardo Houssay, who would later be the first business lead Latin American to receive the Nobel Prize in Micine, impress by his talent, had manag to be award a scholarship to continue his studies there. He frequently arriv at noon, and with a drowsiness whose origin no one suspect,
Areas of Our Brain Says
He disciplin himself to follow the protocols of experimental research, embark as he was on a study on cosmic rays. That tir look had an explanation: at night, that restless young man went to the famous le café du dometo discuss poetry, to talk about the mystery of life and to get drunk with the surrealists. By day he walk the paths of the neat scientific method; at night she div into the abyssal ES Phone Number depths of metaphysics and the enigmas of creation. That young man’s name was ernesto sabato and he was about to suffer an existential crisis trigger by the contemplation of the spiritual failure of western civilization, which would lead him to make a radical assessment of his own life.