You get more out of the annual watch

Negative light, and with good reason. The Central Chamber of Commerce’s Advertising Ethics Council gives its own statements on whether an advertisement or other marketing is contrary to good practice or can be identified as marketing. In its statements, it applies the International Chamber of Commerce’s ICC marketing rules and principles concerning good marketing practice . You can search for different statements by decision, media, article and year on the Central Chamber of Commerce’s website .

The dark side of data

Processing, along with ethics – almost a fifth of the world’s energy consumption is due to digital media “Digitalization has been hoped to solve environmental business lead problems rather than cause them” says Yle in its news item Digital media is a giant energy guzzler . At least I agree with this, how about you? The share of digital media in the entire world’s energy consumption is constantly increasing – ten years ago it was eleven times less. Energy consumption is so high that the carbon footprint of the internet and the systems that

Support it is already greater

Than the energy consumption of air traffic. Energy consumption has been noticed, because EU decision-makers have started to take it into account in ES Phone Number their directives, and on the other hand, the Ministry of Transport and Communications is striving to better understand the load produced by IP traffic in the future. What is essential in this energy consumption is what kind of energy is used by the entity providing your company’s server space. Is the energy fossil or renewable? This energy is used to transfer data to the

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