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After all, you only have a few seconds to make your point, so why not make it as clear and visually inviting as possible? Technology company, GoPro is a great example of this ‘show, don’t tell’ storytelling. While they do have promo videos to show off their newest camera, the majority show how their cameras are use and the results are pretty spectacular.

This is a sort of triple-whammy  E-Commerce display where audiences

It’s not only the GoPro crew that posts videos but millions of customers who want to share their sporting feats. Here’s a compilation of the ‘Best of 2022’ on YouTube that encapsulates what their cameras can do without mentioning the product but clearly showing it being latest database use! Why Choose DMI? 3) Write Like a Writer Do you have experience writing copy, fiction or non-fiction? The truth is that while a bit of experience helps, you don’t really nee to be an expert in any genre to nail storytelling on social meia.

The popularity of your content across channels.

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What will grab attention, though, is creativity, boldness,  ES Phone Number and the type of message that cuts to the chase – or at least gives a hint of the amazing things to come. Depending on your audience, sometimes this will incorporate more of a story which includes some typical narrative elements. Think of the hero’s journey

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