Gdpr: What It is and What Changes for Companies

 Gdpr: what it is and what changes for companies business gdpr.  Ready for the new privacy regulation? From friday 25 may 2018. In italy and throughout europe. The gdpr will come into force . The document that contains.  The guidelines on respect for privacy and the processing of personal . Data of european citizens. The legislation. In fact. Is unique and will be mandatory in all european union countries: this is also new! What is meant by personal data? These are the data that are use to identify a person: these include the name and surname. 

What does GDPR mean and what is it?

Date of birth. Profession. There are other personal identifying data which directly identify the person . Concerne such as telephone number. Tax code or sensitive data which reveal race. Professe special data religion. Political  opinions or membership of associations or trade unions. All this data must be treate with greater rigor than require by previous legislation. What does gdpr mean and what is it? Gdpr stands for general data protection regulation . In italian general data protection regulation. It is a european regulation. A regulation to be precise. Mandatory for all organizations that hold personal data of citizens of the union. 

Consent to the processing of personal data

The content of the gdpr or eu regulation 2016/679 is not entirely new: the regulation. In fact. Implements the european directive 95/46 ec ES Phone Number which dictate the regulations . Regarding the protection of personal data and which.  Has been modifie for all the changes that has brought digital from . 1995 to today. Who must comply with the gdpr the gdpr is mandatory for.  Everyone who processes personal data: companies. People and organisations. We are therefore talking about shops . Freelancers . Public administrations . Web agencies. Companies. Hotels . All those who today. Due to the work they do. Find themselves having to manage their customers’ data. Such as telephone numbers or home or e-mail addresses. 


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