Product Expertise Central

I am from Venezuela and back in 2014 there was Product Expertise not much talk about generating income only with a PC, but thanks to the infinite curiosity that characterizes me and blogs like that of my dear Dean Romero, I discovered what would be my obsession in the following years. I currently make a living from my online businesses and I have that freedom that I so imagined when I started all this. However, it was not linear at all and that is why I come to share with you the roller coaster of my story as an entrepreneur in the world of SEO .

Curiosity that Product Expertise characterizes me and blogs

I have generated more than 11,000 euros top industry data per month with my online stores and up to $20,000 per month with my CPA agency , but I have also fallen into terrible downturns due to closures of my Facebook Ads accounts and losses of CPA offers. Since I was 20 years old I have had many types of online businesses. From a writing agency , niche blogs , online stores , illustrator agencies, CPA agencies , and a long etcetera, so I have been able to experience all kinds of setbacks that have made me grow and stand up stronger each time. All of this has helped me.

Understanding that it's all about enjoying the process

Decipher the process so that my online ES Phone Number stores are profitable and do not require so much effort. Create not one, but several sources of income that allow me to feel stability. Overcome figures that I saw as really absurd in my beginnings. Understanding that it’s all about enjoying the process and not becoming obsessed only with the results. Yes, those screenshots on Instagram with large figures are fine, but the true satisfaction is in enjoying the day to day working on what excites you and anywhere in the world that you love. That’s why today I came to gut my process in the world of ecommerce with Shopify and local Dropshipping .

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