Marketing Automation for clients 02: we have been together for a month now

Don’t even think about applying this point without thinking first , okay? Nor any of the above. OK? Come on, here’s the trick : you can cook an egg in the microwave simply by piercing the shell on both sides. Hey, try it! In my experience, at least in my sector, after 30 days a client is at a magical point: they already know how we work and maintain their positive opinion of us . TRUE? Wait! Seriously, ask yourself. Do not put the egg directly in the microwave. Have your own criteria because it may not be like that in your case.

Marketing Automation for clients 03: Feedback from the boss

Yes, we will all be very modern, but an advertisement comes on TV for a “toilet with a flush of water” and we top industry data are shocked. TRUE? Ains, ains. The same thing happens a little with the “give me wax I like”. No matter how horizontal we are, we like it when someone “more important” is interested in our level of satisfaction. TRUE? Therefore, after 3 months of becoming a customer, a new email arrives interested in obtaining feedback but this time from management, not from the online department itself .

Marketing Automation for clients 04: Cross Selling

As much as I liked cross bikes… (nothing better has come out of this one). As I said at the beginning, it could be much easier to sell something new to ES Phone Number an existing customer than to a stranger. TRUE? So, why not make sure that the client knows the rest of the services in our portfolio? Who knows! It could be in the same email as the previous point (that of the boss, who seems to be given more attention) or in a new one, it never hurts to present our complete portfolio of services to the client.

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