What is YouTube SEO and 21 Tips To Rank Higher

YouTube is an internet phenomenon. Created in 2005, it won over so many users that it caught the attention of Google.

The platform played an essential role in transforming videos into one of the main content formats, both for consumption and Digital Marketing.

Thanks to it, videos have become accessible: today any person—or brand—can publish and watch a multitude of audiovisual content on the web.


Add YoDoes SEO Really Work for YouTube

Before you learn what YouTube SEO is, it is important to take a few steps back and understand what SEO is.

Search Engine Whatsapp Data Optimization is the set of strategies for optimizing the user experience that aims to improve a page’s positioning on search engines.

It encompasses programming, design, content production and the relationship with other sites, so that search engines consider that page is the best result for what the user is looking for.

Of course, when it comes to SEO, what you want is to reach the top positions of Google Search. After all, this internet giant dominates over 90% of searches worldwide.

Bing, Yahoo!, and Baidu are the other search engines that keep the rest of that share.

Google Has a Mission: “to Organize the World’s Information. So That It is Universally Accessible and Useful for Everyone”. In Other Words, When Crawling, Indexing, and Ranking Web Content, the Search Engine. Wants Users to Find the Best Results for Their Searches.

For This, Google Has Developed an Intelligent Algorithm. That is Capable of Identifying the Pages That Offer a Good Experience. It Also Eliminates. Those That Use Spam, Plagiarism, or Other Malicious Practices From the Results.

That said, let’s now understand what YouTube SEO is.

Search engines exist in many other places on the internet. When you access a website, for example, there is usually a search feature there, which finds internal content. On social media sites, there is also an internal search engine.

This also happens on YouTube, which offers its own search system so that users can easily find the channels and videos they are looking for.

And the platform has a lot of weight among internet searchers: this 2017 study showed that YouTube had a higher number of searches than Yahoo! and Bing, for example.

How does YouTube SEO work

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Why does this happen? Because the platform understands that these videos deliver a more valuable experience to the user.

And that’s also what Google’s own algorithm understands. As the search engine and YouTube belong to the same company, there is an integration between the platforms.

So, when someone searches on Google, the search engine also presents a ES Phone Number carousel of video content, both from YouTube and other platforms, that is more relevant to that search.

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